Check-out Instructions
This is a checklist of the instructions for when you check out to make your exit as smooth and accommodating as possible
Thank you for staying with us in Costa Rica!
Reminder: Check-out is by 10am unless otherwise approved by the property manager. The cleaning staff will arrive shortly after this time. This allows for comprehensive cleaning of the unit in prep for the next guests
Before you go, there are a few things we ask you to do:
- Please make sure all of the dishes are loaded and running the dishwasher the morning that you check out.
- Empty out all food from the refrigerator
- All compost and food waste can be put in the compost pit located along the right side of the path to the beach (look for the coconut shells and buzzards:)
- Please make sure all trash and recycling has been bagged separately and taken to the bins by the front gate. NOTE: recycling can be co-mingled in the same bag but needs to be in clear bags. The clear bags let the collectors see what the material is. They will not pick up loose or un-bagged items. Please perform trash/recycling disposal properly to avoid a $100 deduction from your deposit (The HOA has strong policies around this).
- Recycling goes into the Blue bins
- Trash goes into the light green bin
- Please strip the beds and leave the bedsheets/pillow cases along with all used towels in the shower
- Check around the room and under the bed for any belongings you might have left (we are not able to mail anything back to you)
- Be sure to log out of any streaming service accounts you used for the TV
- Please turn off all lights and fans and set all three AC units to 28 deg C
- Please be sure all windows and the balcony doors are closed and locked with the wooden bars in place.
- Please close and lock the door upon leaving
- Have a great time at your next destination!
After your check-out, you will be asked to review your stay. If you feel that your stay could have been better, your expectations were not met or the listing description was not accurate then please rate your stay honestly and give 1, 2, 3 or 4 stars. These ratings mean there is room to improve and we will strive to do so for your next visit.
If you enjoyed your stay at either Las Palmas Pacificas or Vista de Las Palmas and wish to reflect the good time you had in your review, please consider providing a higher review rating.
Feel free to rebook with us through our website - - be sure to check for discounted rates and specials.
Gracias & Pura Vida!